Get ready to jazz up your traveler profile. 🪄 You can choose a catchy nickname and a cool avatar from our treasure trove of options.
🧭 Here's your roadmap for making your profile unique and exciting:
- Tap on the Menu icon from the Town screen and then head to 'Settings' ⚙️.
- Tap the badge above your name to open your Traveler Card.
- Hit the pen icon next to your name to type in a nickname (between 3 and 20 characters) and then choose an awesome avatar.
- Don't forget to hit 'SAVE' to lock in your changes.
👍 Got a Facebook account?
If you're connected with Facebook, your name and picture will automatically be pulled from there.
Updated your picture on Facebook recently? No sweat - your game profile will reflect the change too.
Don't want to stick with your Facebook info? No problem! You're free to switch it out following the steps above.
Now you can enjoy identifying your travel companions with these social features. So make it fun and make it you!